Texto arcoiris
1º.- Abstracts submission before 19 december 2005.
2º.- Accepted contributions will be notified no later than 23 december 2005 for oral or poster presentations.
3º.- Final manuscripts for proceedings publication must be received before 1 february 2006.
- Format: Use one vertical A4 DIN.
- Margins:use 3 cm for top, right and botton and 3.5 cm for left
- Font: Arial 12 points
- Line spacing : single
- Alignment: justified
- Each abstract must be sent by e-mail as an attached file (.DOC format) to: isidoro.garcia@uco.es
- Abstracts can be written either in Spanish or English
- Abstract title in bold. Font Arial 12 points. Alignment: centre
- Leave one line
- Authors´ names and addresses followed by phone, fax and e-mail of the author presenting the communication
- Leave one line
- Indicate scientific topic of the work according to the Scientific Programme
- Leave one line
- Text allowing to evaluate the scientific and technical interest of the communication. Figures and bibliography can be included.
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Preparation of manuscripts for proceedings to be published. Guidelines
- Since corrections cannot be undertaken by either the editors or the publisher, please, prepare the manuscript in accordance with these instructions.
- Papers should be provided in electronic form (e-mail: vinagres2006@uco.es ). Please, use MS Word format. When naming files, we recommend that you incorporate the name of the first author into the filename.
- Standard A4 format must be used with next margins: 3 cm from top, right and bottom and 3.5 cm from left side.
- Font: Times New Roman, size 12
- Text should be typed single-spaced with justified alignment.
- Manuscripts can be written either in Spanish or English.
- Author name(s), full postal addresses for each author. Clearly indicate who is willing to handle correspondence at all stages; for this author, ensure that telephone and fax numbers as well as e-mail are provided.
- Abstract: a brief summary, up to 200 words, of the contents and conclusions of the paper.
- Keywords: 3-6 keywords should be provided.
- Main text. For clarity this should be subdivided into:
- Introduction. Where the background and aims of the work are described.
- Materials and Methods. A brief description of the methods used.
- Results and Discussion. Presentation of experimental results with discussion of points of interest.
- Conclusions. A brief explanation of the significance and implications of the work.
- References. These should be accessible sources. The references should be indicate by numerals in square brackets, introduced consecutively in the text and must be listed at the end of the paper in numerical order. For the list of references use surname and initial of author/s and year, title of the work, journal title (abbreviated according to the Journal Citation Reports), volume and page numbers.
- Tables, figures and captions should appear in numerical order and be fixed in their correct position in the text.
- Equations should be numbered (1), (2) etc.
- The use of SI of units is preferred.
- Each poster will be shown on a surface 90 cm wide, 120 cm high.
- The posters must can be read from 1.5 m by a normal eye