College facilities and services

Speech-Language Therapy

Updated 11/06/2012

Speech-Language Therapy

  • Location: Office of Head of Studies, 2nd floor
  • Person in charge: Prof. Maria del Carmen Trillo Luque
  • Office hours: Please check the professor’s office hours for this semester (go to home page).
  • Phone number: (+34) 957 47 47 50 Ext. 207
  • E-mail address:


We are committed to providing our students the highest quality education. For that reason, we launched the Language Workshop in the 1993/1994 academic year with two main objectives in mind: to improve the specific skills that teachers specialising in hearing and speech need for teaching students with specific speech, language and communication needs.Aware of these needs, since 1998/99 we have signed several cooperation agreements with private schools in Cordoba and associations for the disabled.

In line with the ideology of our school regarding social outreach, we  collaborate in the academic development of low-income children or children at risk of social exclusion with speech and language impairments by providing support in the school setting.


The Speech-Language Therapy Service has three main objectives:

  1. Promote social outreach
  2. Offer our students practical training in the field of hearing and speech in formal educational settings
  3. Provide support for our students with hearing and speech impairments


  1. Low income
  2. Be previously diagnosed with any oral or written language disorders by an official body or institution.

Speech-Language Workshop Activities

The activities we carry out depend on the objectives to be pursued, and include:

  1. Social outreach through two types of actions:
    • Academic support for children with speech, language and communication disorders who live in families at risk of social exclusion. 
    • Volunteer activities in cooperation with associations for the disabled in Cordoba with which our school has collaboration agreements for work placements.
  2. Practical training for students in the specialisation:
    • Work placements related to the 2nd-year and 3rd-year courses of Educational Treatment of Hearing and Speech Disorders, Development of Language Skills, and Alternative Communication Systems.
    • Collaboration in the Hearing and Speech practicum.
    • Participation in the Praem scholarship programme of the University of Cordoba.
    • Development of training seminars, courses and conferences for students in collaboration with teaching staff.
  3. Academic support for students of our school who have been diagnosed with a speech, language or communication disorder.