Page 20 - e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Language Teaching
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research focuses on four main areas: contemporary Spanish literature, gender and identity, fiction in the digital age and representations of minorities. Her book Writing, Feminism and the Media in Spain is due to appear in summer 2019 (Peter Lang).
Marga Navarrete is Language Coordinator at UCL, where she also teaches Spanish, translation and localisation for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Her PhD focuses on the impact of active audiodescription tasks on language learners’ oral skills. She is currently working on SUBFILM (Subtitling to improve writing and translation skills: making short films accessible) an audiovisual translation (AVT) research project. Previous to this, she has taken part in a number of audiovisual research projects for Foreign Language Education (FLE); CREATE, SONAR and VICTOR all of these research projects were run by UNED (Spanish Distance University). She also worked on the EU funded ClipFlair project, designing, piloting and publishing translation audiovisual tasks for language learning and disseminating the lessons learnt.
ABSTRACT: En este capítulo se proponen diferentes recursos destinados a mejorar el desarrollo del aprendizaje de los estudiantes de lenguas y de traducción, así como a promover la creación de comunidades de intercambio de información y la mediación cultural, además de ayudar a los profesores a gestionar el progreso del alumnado. Los temas tratados incluirán el potencial de las TIC, la utilización de glosarios, la consulta de libros de referencia, el aprovechamiento de recursos audiovisuales y el uso de la audiodescripción en clase. También se presentará el programa Liberating the Curriculum, de reciente implementación en UCL, y se sugerirán maneras de aplicarlo al aula de traducción y de reconocer y celebrar la diversidad de la comunidad educativa.

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