The joint itinerary of the Degree in Tourism and the Degree in Translation and Interpreting is framed within the branches of Arts and Humanities, and Social and Legal Sciences. Its curriculum offers training that covers, on the one hand, territorial planning to economic analysis, including business management, service marketing, cultural and psychosocial components of the phenomenon, and the legal regulations governing the activity; and, on the other hand, the use of tools for translation, IT, audiovisual media, or interpreting, along with proficiency in a third language (Language C) at a B1 level. The program emphasizes foreign language teaching and prepares students for professional work in areas such as translation, education, the publishing sector, and the management of tourism resources and tourism businesses.
From a professional standpoint, this Double Degree allows graduates to enter various sectors related to language use and any area within the tourism industry (accommodation, restaurants, intermediary services, transport, destination and tourism product planning). Notable opportunities include:
- Translation and interpreting in institutions, companies, and international organizations (European Union, European Commission)
- Teaching (Secondary and High School education)
- Text editing (literary editor or advisor for publishing houses)
- Teaching Spanish as a foreign language or teaching foreign languages
- Linguistic advisory roles in state administration, commercial, healthcare, administrative, and legal sectors
- Conference interpreting, press conferences, book or movie presentations
- Documentation work (documentalist)
- Diplomacy
- Translation in the audiovisual sector (films, video games)
- Linguistic and intercultural mediation, including for communication disabilities
- Research (universities and public administration institutions)
- Multilingual secretarial work
- Writing and collaborating with newspapers
- Literary production
- Managing tourism businesses
- Working in public institutions as a management or planning technician, responsible for tourism development programs, tourism development agents, directors or technicians in institutions promoting tourism products, or tourism consultants.
This joint itinerary aims for students to acquire skills in communication and translation in foreign languages (English and other modern languages), the use of necessary resources for language study and documentary sources in multiple foreign languages, as well as the use of ICT and the ability to work in interdisciplinary and international teams. It also aims to develop the skills necessary for the scientific study and management of destinations, tourism resources, political-administrative tourism structures, and business sectors on a global level. Simultaneously, it seeks to introduce new professional profiles and develop existing ones, primarily practical ones, with a view toward their professional careers. This is achieved through the acquisition of basic competencies and knowledge that enable professional practice and continuous learning.